Bureau of Statistics Oyo State Government LEARN MORE strip Bureau of Statistics Oyo State Government LEARN MORE strip

Who We Are

Oyo State Bureau of Statistics formerly known as Department of Macro-Statistics & Research in the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget was established by an act of parliament and assented to by His Excellency, the erstwhile Executive Governor of Oyo State on the 15th day of November, 2012. However, the Bureau actually took off on sound footing in January, 2015 with the appointment of an Acting Statistician General. The establishment of the State Bureau of Statistics was in tandem with the execution of the new National Statistical Master Plan which established the National Bureau of Statistics and the States Bureau of Statistics to facilitate uniform, reliable and timely data collection. Read More

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To be a World Class Virtual Centre for Statistics through shared commitments to excellence by all Stakeholders.



To produce comprehensive, reliable and timely data that will assist Government and all other users at all levels to take evidence-based:

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